I tend to read before I fall asleep, invariably its a wargaming magazine or three.
This time I decided to read then re read the latest Miniature Wargames,issue 346 in particular 'The High Ground' by Steve Eardley.
Now I must admit I like this type of feature,from the times when Donald Featherstone would let rip in the War gamers Newsletter then Terry Wise,Stuart Asquith to Mike Siggins. I think its very healthy to have a strong view, I certainly get fed up with platitudes and 'fuzzy' soft views that are everywhere.
This time however I'm a bit confused about what Mr Eardley was trying to say.
This talk of profiteering and 'bigger business' in war gaming.
I know two manufacturers personally, [even the term manufacturer is a laugh] Andy at Old Glory UK works from a large garage, Ian Kay, Irregular Miniatures works from home which doubles as a disused church. I would describe neither as big business. I am probably doing both a disservice but although it clearly provides the pair with a living,I don't think either will be getting a large bonus this year.
These profiteers are described in the article as making money out of us [war gamers]and gloating at the amoral power these people have accrued???
Now no doubt we would all like war gaming figures at a really cheap price [ie free] but that isn't going to happen is it.
Some companies no doubt have taken the p*** over the years with some of the charges for certain ranges,ie the mad pricing Foundry seem to be going through,Games Workshop obviously and others that I cant bring to mind [sorry]
However the choice is don't buy them,or wait till they are stuck with them and buy them discounted. Even these two companies are not gloating with amoral power. I think Mr Eardley got a tad carried away with himself,unless he was typing the article from the camp outside of Saint Paul's Cathedral.
Not all profit is bad, not all bankers are bad.
The article then rambles on,describing that its all about 'being somebody'? and therefore being better than others.Also being made to feel a nobody in society by the better off leads to much more serious problems?
Now I was definately lost by then,call me thick,or most likely a nobody,but what was he trying to say.
I have gamed for years,Im proud to say I've met loads of wargamers,and I cant think of any that I thought were trying to lord it over me. Lets be right if I had met such a person I would never have gamed again with them and more probably he'd have got a non pc bat around the ear.
He then goes on to talk of a standard price!!! god we'll be nationalising all the wargaming companies next.
My understanding of being a consumer,was choice.Well if you cant afford a certain figure,dont agonise over it,buy something else which will probably be just as good and serve the purpose just as well.
I would love an army of Eureka figures,its not going to happen,so I buy RSM, Hinchliffe and now Garrison which are great.I have a few Willie figures,which are bought as a treat,but I wouldnt lose sleep if I didnt have them.
I think the final straw was he wouldnt be buying anymore plastic figures because there is little resale value in them !!!!!!!!!!!!
Now whose profitering,send for the politburo and have Mr Eardley shot for wanting to make a profit from wargamers...
The rant is over,sorry.
By the way I think I met Steve Eardley at Newcastle last year,and if its who I think it was he seemed a pretty decent chap,but what do I know.

The Independent Wargames Group. Being a Journal of views, prejudices, ideas and photographs of wargaming not just nationwide, but hopefully world wide. The name IWG was adopted in the early 1980's in response to the then dominant Wargames Research Group, but things have moved on, and wargaming appears to be in somewhat of a Golden Age, so sit back and hopefully enjoy my rantings.
Thursday, 26 January 2012
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My 6mm Napoleonic set up.

Austria 1809.
Austrian Hussars
Hinchliffe figures
Austrian Grenzer

Austrian Grenzer
Smoggycon 2013
Smoggycon 2013
Smoggycon 2012
Smoggycon 2012
Smoogycon 2009

My French getting another beating
Good rant. Maybe you should write for one of the wargaming mags!
I tend to agree. Purchase the figures you CAN afford along with a few occasional specials as a treat, and don't worry about everyone else. I've never felt like I was being taken advantage of by the people who produce wargaming miniatures. And it's the rising coast of metal that, in turn, causes them to raise their prices just to remain afloat.
ReplyDeleteBest Regards,
Good rant, just the sort of thing I like to hear. I've seen single figures from about £1.25 to £5.75 (!) and ypu pays your money and takes your choice (or not, in my case, but as "treats" the more expensive figures are still on mywish-list -strange that eh ?
ReplyDeleteRobbie- I must have misswed this the first time around- though I read Steves piece and know him personally. He wasn't and doesn't shoot at the likes on Ian or I but more at what I have begun to call the "Nottingham Mafia".
ReplyDeleteCertainly when Steve piece cam out I took him to taskand as I remebr it he said he wanted to provke discussion as much as anything else- as for the plastics thing blame meas I think they are all useless shyte anywayand not worth the time to build the bloody things.