1913 was the year H.G.WELLS first had published LITTLE WARS,which certainly in the USA, and by me is seen as the start of modern wargaming.
I know the Prussian's had their wargame, but Wells, book was more about fun,and the emphasis was on gaming.
Donald Featherstone carried the book right through the war. As a consequence Donald Featherstone and the small band of toy soldier misfits began creating the hobby we have now.
I call them misfits,because lets be right,playing with toy soldiers hardly ranks as 'normal behaviour' and certainly some of the group were a little bit eccentric.
Still it got me into a hobby which if I hadn't discovered would have made my life pretty empty.I would have probably taken up golf or something similar, God forbid.
Personally I think the centenary should be marked in a lot of ways, a special edition from some of the wargaming magazines, although I cant see Wargames Illustrated latching onto the concept, but I might be wrong. Certainly Battlegames with its vintage ethic,should take up the mantle of celebration.
I do hope Miniature Wargames does something to mark the 100 years.
I think,once I've spoken to John that is, that we should put on some sort of display just to give people an idea of were wargaming evolved from.
I dont think I can stretch to some Britains,and a couple of naval guns, but perhaps,some sort of visual display might be in the offing.
Anyway,just to make wargamers aware,and something to think about.