Sunday 25 March 2018

Im back.....

Well I'm back. Jet lagged, exhausted and frankly in need of some bed rest. Apologies to any followers who thought I was disappearing into some abyss of despair but I really dont like to say when I am not at home. Instead of misery I have just spent two and a half weeks tramping around Cambodia and Vietnam and thoroughly enjoyed every experience including an attack of the trots, insect bites and a bad bout of bronchitis. The ordinary people of these two countries make one realise just how pathetic are the gripes of certain elements of the UK. In Cambodia, where a quarter of their people were wiped out by genocide that the Western world refused to stop and in Vietnam where a series of civil wars and of course the war that framed the US consciousness for a generation have bounced back and are dragging their countries towards their dream of a better life. Yes there are many things wrong with their governments but they seem to be determined to succeed and just get on with life. God knows what they would have made of the morons who called 999 when KFC ran out of chicken. Truly the Vietnamese are the 'happy' people. Anyway this post is purely to say I am climbing back into the wargaming saddle and have framed my painting plans for this year and no its nothing to do with a South East Asian army..... Onwards and upwards..

Monday 5 March 2018


 While at the York Show which seems like an eternity ago I had a conversation with Tony Runkee and Shaun Bryant, both master painters. Unfortunately they pointed out the issue that I had ignored ever since I started my ACW project. Bases. When I first started painting the ACW figures the only bases I had were 50mm square so the first units were set on them. John when he saw the units loved the painting but suggested they would look better on smaller bases. I knew he was right but to be honest I couldnt face it. So when Shaun and Tony had a heart to heart with me they also pointed out the same issue. The figures looked too spaced out.
 When three veteran wargamers talk about the same issue one should take notice, and to be honest I had been mulling it over for months.Anyway Shaun very kindly volunteered to rebase them for me! How could I say no, because Shaun is an expert in basing and does all of Dave Thomas's figures.
Anyway Shaun has been busy and has sent me a few images of the new basing.They look great and I cant wait for the whole collection to be completed. The problem will be how I match his standard if I paint up more units.
 The blog by the way will go quiet for a few weeks as I will be unavailable. I will be back, hopefully.

My 6mm Napoleonic set up.

My 6mm Napoleonic set up.
Austria 1809.

Austrian Hussars

Austrian Hussars
Hinchliffe figures

Austrian Grenzer

Austrian Grenzer
Austrian Grenzer

Smoggycon 2013

Smoggycon 2013
Smoggycon 2013

Smoggycon 2012

Smoggycon 2012
Smoggycon 2012

Smoogycon 2009

Smoogycon 2009
My French getting another beating