Wednesday 24 June 2015

Unloved figures anyone?

The beauty about unloved but painted wargames figures is that they are usually cheap to buy, unless its some clown who puts them on E Bay and describes them as professionally painted masterpieces.
 I always keep an eye out at shows and on the internet, to see if there is something I can buy and re use. I was lucky last year to buy a large amount of Austrian cavalry, which 'were of their time' that is painted but needing a bit of a makeover. There  is always a risk that due to age and use, the figures are missing the odd bit off them, usually a tail, musket, or horse's leg.
Anyway, if they are cheap, what have you to lose. As they are pre painted, one can save quite a bit of time, with no undercoating and fixing them to their mounts, and occasionally the original painting just needs a little bit of work. As can be seen in the before and after photographs, the original painted figures weren't too bad, and with a bit of effort look pretty good to me. But then beauty is in the eye of the beholder. All are Hinchliffe figures, which is still one of the best SYW ranges.

I unfortunately missed the AMG game at Partizan, where I had hoped to meet up with various members of the group. In anticipation of the game I eventually missed, I had painted a few commanders for my Irish and French contingent. Maybe they will make an appearance next year, now that a venue and date has been sorted for a weekend of social chatter,drinking and wargaming.

Wednesday 17 June 2015

Herding Cats

Well I'm back from the USA and another shorter break. I always feel I've failed if I don't post a regular item on my blog. I know that Henry Hyde in Miniature Wargames recommended little and often, which is easier said than done, but I did need a break.
 Anyway following on from my last post regarding what I would see as a perfect wargames show, bugger me if The Amateur Military Gentleman group haven't pre empted most of my suggestions and are planning what I see as the opportunity to have such a ideal wargames show/convention.
 Except, wargamers being the individual breed that they are, the members are all pulling in different directions, like herding cats.
 The group for those who dont know are based on persons who have bought the John Ray book, which contains an account of an eighteenth century officer, the book however is heavily illustrated with the wonderful John Ray collection. [ Oh to win the lottery]
 Anyway, after the success of their first outing at Partizan, the group want to stage a weekend show where they can get together and wargame, talk, swap ideas and buy a few choice items from some selected trade persons who are also members of the group.
 Simples? Well yes and no.
 First their is location to sort out. Then there is a suitable date, then cost, then an aim, etc, etc.
 I couldnt help myself and suggested a venue in the North East of England. It was in all seriousness, but any suggestion of leaving the bubble that is the Home counties does seem to cause gasps of horror. I suppose its the fear of no electricity and no clean water. [ Maybe one day civilization will reach us]
 I have every confidence that things will be resolved, but not everyone will be happy, but then when could that ever be achieved?
 Still the show offers up a great opportunity to see if a wargames show can be more than the normal events on offer. I know I'm wittering on as if the idea hasn't been done before, when clearly it has, but small and beautiful may offer up chances to come away from a show, inspired and full of ideas, whereas most normal wargames shows usually only leave you tired and skint.
 Anyway, hopefully the cats will all go in one direction, and a weekend of wargaming bliss may be enjoyed.
A couple of examples of John Ray's wonderful collection.

My 6mm Napoleonic set up.

My 6mm Napoleonic set up.
Austria 1809.

Austrian Hussars

Austrian Hussars
Hinchliffe figures

Austrian Grenzer

Austrian Grenzer
Austrian Grenzer

Smoggycon 2013

Smoggycon 2013
Smoggycon 2013

Smoggycon 2012

Smoggycon 2012
Smoggycon 2012

Smoogycon 2009

Smoogycon 2009
My French getting another beating