Monday 30 August 2021

Billy no mates and the mystery of an empty pub?

Ive finally completed my second covenanter regiment and am well on the way with a third. Ive been struggling the last couple of weeks but I'm now able to set to with some painting therapy and the Scots were one of the little projects that needs attention.
  The other week John and I fought a Sword and Spear battle and I noticed that Id only painted one element of Thracians. So I finally located the other unpainted batch and managed to crack them off as well.Granted they are only acceptable but sometimes I fail to be inspired by the figures. But they are okay and will do. Its strange how some figures encourage you to attempt a better job than others. At the current time my most inspirational figure manufacturers are Claymore Castings, Victrix ancients and of course Perry. 

In an attempt to experience something near normal I went out for a pint in a local pub I used to frequent pre covid. It was always a decent and very popular pub that served decent beer and catered for old farts like me. Expecting to struggle to find a bench I was confronted by a near empty hostelry and this a Bank Holiday weekend?
I did enjoy the novelty of a beer and I did enjoy talking to the barman but once again it got me back to thinking about wargaming. Lets be right it is quite important to me. Anyway as lockdown lurches towards a near normality are events and social experiences going to be like the pub? Something we've got out of the habit of attending and for others something they will never attend again. I dont want to sound like the prophet of doom but a lot of people will and are struggling with finding the confidence to actually get amongst crowds again. 
 I know its early days post lockdown but between the doom laden forecasts  and the unpleasantness of covid deniers intent on 'enjoying' themselves and bugger the rest, a lot of people are understandably fearful. The test will come when wargamers have the opportunity to experience the wonders of a wargames show again. 
I will be interested to see what occurs at Fiasco and Newark later this year. Yes I will be attending and frankly cant wait. Anyway I can only apologise for harping on about the effects of covid on our hobby but its something I dont want to see hamper the progress of the hobby.


Sunday 15 August 2021

Alexander the Unpleasant.

In my growing metal mound I have a lot of unpainted figures for my Macedonian ancient army. Initially it was my intention to do Alexander's army but the more research I did the more I realised just what an unpleasant character he was which is perhaps a strange reason to not collect some toys led by him. But its strange times Im afraid so Ive opted for a successor army which given their devious and grasping nature is also a strange choice. But at least they knew they were lacking certain morals and accepted a more pragmatic view of politics.


I can assure everyone I havent discovered wokedom but a bit like my dislike of Frederick the not so Great I couldnt bring myself to collect an army representing that devious little dwarf. So here are my Galation contingent who fought for every would be Alexander. These are from Aventine Miniatures and are very nice sculpts, unfortunately not my best efforts but they will do. The guy on the shield is the Agema Miniatures Celtic general which will lead?? some warbands throwing sixes all the way hopefully.   

Another ECW unit purchased, touched up and recycled. Amongst the badly handled figures were some particularly well painted figures.Sadly there were only a handful so I had to pad them out with some of my poorer painted ones. Still they look very Parliamentarian. Im not certain why I felt I needed some more cavalry for the ECW  but it means I have an additional unit of slow moving cavalry to face the Royalists. 


Friday 13 August 2021

Billhooks Bash.

                                                  Billhooks BASH

          4 September 2021 at BOARDS AND SWORDS HOBBIES, DERBY DE21 4BJ

Firstly a quick plug for this wargames event which I am attending. Last year Andy Callan produced a brilliant set of free rules aimed specifically at the Wars of the Roses. They were a giveaway supplement in the Wargames Illustrated which spurred [see what I did there] me on to collect a WOR army. Now there is an event inviting wargamers to a day of WOR battles against other keen wargamers but all in the name of fun. Apparently there is still a couple of places free. Peter Harris of Boards and Swords is staging the event and should anyone be interested then contact him via the shop website. Fancy, wargaming with like-minded enthusiasts!

Like others I've struggled these last few weeks with actually painting figures. I don't know if its a post Covid inertia or that the weather was decent enough to job around in my garden. Either way my painting has suffered and its not like I haven't got a few things to work on.

 People should know that in order to pad out my ECW armies I am prone to buying up old and unloved figures from E Bay. I not only find it a good way to increase my output exponentially I have also found that some of the unloved figures are really well painted and deserve a new lease of life. Anyway I picked up three poorly painted/ unloved ECW regiments made up of old Minifigs. To be honest I do think the ECW ranges from Minifigs were pretty decent, yes in the main unhistorical and perhaps a bit too well equipped but I like the 'look' of them, very 'Cromwell' in style. [The film that is.]  

No I didnt need them but yes I wanted them just in case. Im never certain what the 'in case' means but one never knows. Usually I use the better armed as Parliamentarians and the less well dressed as Royalists but in the interests of balance I have re painted[ touched up] one unit as rebels and one as Royalists. I did have to add a couple of Hinchliffe figures to carry the standards etc, but I like the look of them. I found a wash of Contrast green ink helped make the Green Train Band stand out followed by a bit of touching up.

Finally another couple of Marcus Hinton figures kindly donated by Iain Macmillan. By the way if anyone has any 'spare' Hinton ECW's for sale or needing a good home, let me know. Iain is keen to build up his forces.
So no observations this post and no worrying about the future, maybe the painting helped.


My 6mm Napoleonic set up.

My 6mm Napoleonic set up.
Austria 1809.

Austrian Hussars

Austrian Hussars
Hinchliffe figures

Austrian Grenzer

Austrian Grenzer
Austrian Grenzer

Smoggycon 2013

Smoggycon 2013
Smoggycon 2013

Smoggycon 2012

Smoggycon 2012
Smoggycon 2012

Smoogycon 2009

Smoogycon 2009
My French getting another beating