Monday 27 April 2015

Salute Wargames Show 2015, Part Three.

 Dont ask me what it was, but this model was a stand out piece of gear. I can only assume it is a Star Wars vessel, but as a model it was fantastic. There are some very talented modelers about.

                  Again another first class fantasy/sci fi game. Everything about it showed quality.I really think the fantasy/ sci fi groups showed the wargamers how to do a show.

                    Again a brilliant sci fi game, this was was a Dystopian Wars battle. I think.,

The game below is my personal choice for best of show. Everything about the game was quality. The snow covered terrain was perfect, complementing the 6mm figures.It show s me that 6mm if done well is as good as 28mm.But this is a subjective viewpoint.

A Lion Rampant game, with various contingents. The game was very pretty with some well painted miniatures on show.

                                 A very tidy Samurai game, everything about it was neat.


                                    A well done representation in 6mm of the Battle of Ligny.

 These gentlemen were very funny, and had a first rate game on display. Its the first time Id met a bunch of American Essex people.

  A modern wargame, again based in a winter environment, but it was really done well.

  Again a battle in the snow, this time the Battle of Eylau. A stylised rendition of the battle. It still looked very playable.

The Salute Wargames Show 2015 Part Two.

Well onto the games, and some observations. There seemed to be a lot of Sci Fi, Fantasy, Steam Punk etc games this year, more than usual. I suppose Warlords have to try and cater for as many person as possible, and the future is probably in these games. Most were really well put together and had some wonderful scenery. I think some of the historical exhibitors should take a look at the competition and definitely up their game some what. Of the 50 or so historical games, I would reckon two thirds were okay for a night game, but come on people this is Salute so think about what you are trying to achieve, if anything.
 Of the 30 or so Fantasy etc games I would say the majority had really gone for it, attempting to show off their hobby at its best.
 Anyway onto some of the games. I have attempted where possible to include the table title etc to show who did what. This was a really well done game, and I have watched Simon putting together this game. I thought Id taken more photographs, but clearly not. This was a very fine game.

Reading Wargames group, put on a nice ACW game, it was very neat, and looked worth a bash.

 Blitzkreig Miniatures put on two WW11 games, both were pure eye candy, with the terrain and models being beautifully painted.

 See what I mean about Snow, clearly this was the must have on a game this year.But how well done is the scenery, this nearly made my best of show.

 The Continental Wars Society also had a snow covered terrain, this time it was a large amount of kapok type fabric, effective, but it played havoc with the figures.

 Conrad Cairns, looking pensive about the kapok.
 The title says it all really. Big ships, big terrain, nice figures, a Ron Ringrose special.

  This was a first rate game, with some excellent terrain, very effective and well presented.

  This is the blogger Dallauppror's game, based around a Swedish medieval encounter. I had a good talk to Jan the guy who created the buildings, a very talented bunch of wargamers.

I knew this would happen. This was a particularly well done Warhammer game, using 3rd edition rules. The whole game was excellent. I can only apologise with the poor quality images.


Having now realised just how many photographs I actually took, I will create a third post to break up the report.

My 6mm Napoleonic set up.

My 6mm Napoleonic set up.
Austria 1809.

Austrian Hussars

Austrian Hussars
Hinchliffe figures

Austrian Grenzer

Austrian Grenzer
Austrian Grenzer

Smoggycon 2013

Smoggycon 2013
Smoggycon 2013

Smoggycon 2012

Smoggycon 2012
Smoggycon 2012

Smoogycon 2009

Smoogycon 2009
My French getting another beating