Monday 11 November 2019

General Jumbo.

When I was young, before the hormones kicked in I used to dream of being General Jumbo Johnson. He was a child who had command of a radio controlled army and air force. He was able to use his force to help people out and right wrongs including kicking the backsides of all bullies he came across.
 I was watching Channel Five's final of the Great Railway Challenge last night and General Jumbo came back to me as I enviously watched the competing teams of train builders attempting to out do each other with action models.
 Smoke, real flames, moving monsters, moving scratch built merry go rounds, windmills etc etc were all on show. Add a load of moving trains and people being flung from the said trains and you can see why I was reminded of Jumbo Johnson.
 Naturally this lead onto wargaming and wargaming shows. I think the only moving piece I ever saw at a wargames show was the lovely windmill created by Phil Olley. Wouldnt it be wonderful if animation and digital electronics could be used to enhance wargames, especially at shows.
 I know its superficial but after watching the train challenge I can understand why children etc find train exhibitions interesting.
 Whats not to like? Things move, there is sound and sometimes flashing lights and smoke.
 Many years ago John and I used a DVD of Austerlitz to enhance our display. I think it was used at Gateshead although I may be wrong. The reception was mixed. I remember getting into a bit of a discussion with a fellow exhibitor who complained about the glare? from the tv and the noise of cannons etc.
 Perhaps its time wargamers took up the challenge to enhance their games by introducing gimmicks to catch would be wargamers eyes.
 I was particularly impressed with the use of 'flash paper' in the train challenge. Imagine model houses bursting into flames ??
 Obviously Im joking, especially given the HSE mania wargaming shows have adopted.
 Anyway I think I will re watch the train challenge final to see if I can blag any ideas.

Sunday 3 November 2019

An ECW wagon Train.

 As I stated in my last post I have been painting some lovely Hinchliffe wagons to create an ECW wagon train which I 'need'? for a project that is coming to fruition soon.I added a couple of Mini Figs to help tie the pieces to my armies.
 I must admit I like various pieces of what I hope is interest scattered around my battlefields.To add a bit of colour I put a couple of spare dragoon flags on the wagons. Not accurate but hopefully they lift the pieces.

 A few images of my first Romans. The figures are Victrix and are lovely models to paint.When using SPQR I will have these in 8 figure units simply because they are so expensive points wise to use.

 The shield designs also from Victrix are excellent things in their own right. I was very taken with the graffiti etched on this legionnaire's shield.It appealed to my low sense of humour. On the battle front John kindly arranged a brilliant 10mm battle using his new armies of the Jacobite campaigns in Ireland. We also trialed the new version of Lily Banners. Barry Hilton has done a good job with the latest edition and the battle was a brutal affair before William's better armed forces finally beat James's Irish. It was a great and very exciting game.

My 6mm Napoleonic set up.

My 6mm Napoleonic set up.
Austria 1809.

Austrian Hussars

Austrian Hussars
Hinchliffe figures

Austrian Grenzer

Austrian Grenzer
Austrian Grenzer

Smoggycon 2013

Smoggycon 2013
Smoggycon 2013

Smoggycon 2012

Smoggycon 2012
Smoggycon 2012

Smoogycon 2009

Smoogycon 2009
My French getting another beating