I can only apologise for posting this downer, especially as it has become a recurring theme for me and worryingly it has become more frequent. I find it annoying in that the actual hobby is bursting with life, from new ideas, rules, figures and countless improvements from paint to actual knowledge and research. It is a veritable hive of activity.
I attribute my ennui to an age thing and no matter what, one cannot fight the inevitable, BUT one can slow ageing down. Bruce Springsteen once attributed his longevity to Rock and Roll, he claimed it slowed down the aging process. I think he was right on the money except my longevity is down to wargaming, rock and roll and immaturity. So hopefully I will rise above such trivialities as aching limbs, poor eyesight and hairy nostrils. Sadly painting has been the first victim of my inactivity. I have started to use my brush again and completed the terrain I needed for Xenos Rampant, so that was a positive. I also completed the lovely figures, that the generous Iain Macmillan sent me.
I now have two Ancient Persian armies, my plastic one made up of Wargames Atlantic and Victrix figures and then my Persian army or Garrison, Mini Figs and Hinchliffe figures. My favourite? The old one full of telegraph poles, wonky horse legs and dodgy research. It is difficult to articulate why this is, nostalgia? Perhaps. Simply being old and wearing rose coloured glasses? Maybe. But whenever I see them placed on my table I find a warm glow coming over me, and no it isn't my prostate kicking in.
All my armies, be they SYW, ACW, ECW, Ancients all have contingents containing early wargames figures. They aren't compatible with the later ranges, but I dont care, although I do keep the units in separate brigades where possible.