Tuesday 22 October 2024

A Little Off Colour.


It’s been a long time since I last posted. To be very honest I didnt think I would return to posting on my blog at all.

The reason?  Well initially it was niggling ill health, nothing too serious but enough to make one realise that you are not the person you were and in fact I had simply got older and I could no longer shrug off pain and illness like I was once able to do, or I just might have become soft.

This niggling ill health brought on the old black dog which Ive fought since 1993. I know it was that year simply because it was the year I lost my mother and things unravelled a lot back then.

So, thinking of a reason to post on a computer about wargaming became a real stress riser, plus unusually I couldn’t think of anything I wanted to say about the hobby, which was a real indicator of something more serious. In fact, for a short while I felt like drawing a line through everything. 

Luckily two things happened. One was Andy Callan releasing his fantasy rules based around Never Mind the Billhooks called Fantasia. The second was Warlord releasing their Epic ancients range of figures for Hail Ceasar. 

After a couple of trail games using Andy's rules against John I was hooked. But I didnt want to just use units from my Wars of the Roses armies and once again decided to go old school.
John had been painting up random figures fro the old Garrison Sword and Sorcery range and there was my inspiration. These are a beautiful range of old figures designed by John Braithwaite and were basically based on the Tony Bath Hyboria campaign who had in turn been inspired by the Conan the Barbarian books. 

                     And there is the great man himself, painted as one of my heroes.

I’m nearly there now, with just a couple of cavalry regiments and some skirmishers left to paint, well that is until Rob Young releases some new/old Amazon infantry and cavalry. 

I must have these to add to my small amount of Amazon archers, Pegasus archers, tiger handlers and tiger riders, plus the first of my naked Pegasus units. John Braithwaite was clearly a breast man and to be honest he was very good at sculpting them.   

There are some really strange characters in the range and Rob Young very kindly sent me a couple for free. I loved painting them

There is no catapults in the range but John gave me a particularly nice plastic tou which looks great.

An Amazon general with her pet tiger, the animal is a lovely piece in its own right.

                      An Amazon general riding her tiger. What more can one say, but hurrah!

This eastern champion is a strange one for me, simply because he looks like he is in y fronts, but he s still a great figure.
                                                   We all need a fourarmed warrior.
               I love the S and S chariots, and the split personality champion is perfect.
                                  An Ice giant with Bosnian archers behind him.
         Amazon archers, with replendant and historically [sic] correct right breast on show.
                            The Grenadier giant, sadly there was no suitable Garrison giant.
        The S and S Mammoth with crew backed up by light cavalry. These are one piece masterpieces.
                                                       Armoured centaurs.

Unfortunately Rob cant produce the old Garrison dragon, and their giants arent really gigantic.

So what was meant to be a small project is nearly complete. It looks bright and very pretty and makes me smile, which is good. Yes it still keeps losing but so what. The rules work well and provide a fun and simple game, interspaced with a little tension. Unfortunately my sorceror keeps failing his spells and disappearing from the board.

                   I field a lot of quality cavalry with various bright caprisions.
I mentioned the second factor, that saved my wargaming sanity. Warlord games released a beautiful range of Epic sized ancients. I intend to talk about them in a seperate post, but I will mention that John and I will be hosting a wargame using these new armies at Battleground next month. I would recommend you pop over to see the armies. I think the spectacle will see why I became re-invigorated. 
 I will also be attending Fiasco this weekend, so if you recognise me, please stop for a chat, Im the furtive looking bloke.
But anyway Im back, well certainly a bit back.  


Monday 18 March 2024

Les Higgins, Forgotten wargamers Four.

Having very kindly been given a couple of beautiful 30mm Les Higgins figures by Iain Macmillan I thought I should put something together about the man who sadly died before he reached his full potential. 

The story of Les Higgins is provided by and with the permisson of, VINTAGE20MIL  a site for all wargamers who enjoy knowing where we came from.

Designer Les Higgins and architect and builder Brian Marlow founded Les Higgins Miniatures in 1967. "I’d been modelling since I was about ten," Marlow recalls, "and in the early sixties I formed a model soldier club in Wellingborough with a few other enthusiasts. That was how I met Les". Higgins, a trained sculptor and patent-maker, was at that time working for the toy company Mettoy.

"I went to Mettoy from Northampton School of Art in 1957 or 58," Tim Richards, who would later design for Les Higgins Miniatures and the company that succeeded it Phoenix Model developments recalls, "I worked in the design studio as Les’s apprentice. We were mainly doing vinyl, squeaky toys. Les was a keen military modeller and he saw the figures that had started to come on the market around that time and thought, "I can do better than that".

Higgins had begun making 20mm figures in the late 1950s. His first efforts were a range of English Civil War soldiers. The figures — which are smaller than the later 20mm ECW range and slightly differently posed and accoutred (the cavalry have no hats, for example) - were drop cast and it was possible for enthusiasts to order armies of them and pay via subscription. A friend of Higgins, George Hanger, helped with administration of the fledgling business.

When Higgins teamed up with Marlow and went full-time he redesigned the 20mm ECW figures for centrifugal casting and they became the nascent company’s opening releases. Critical reaction to them seems to bear out the designer’s opinion that he could do a better job than most. Charles Grant noted "They are splendid types and in the 20mm scale at the moment there is nothing better on the market". John Garratt calls them "exquisite" and even the not so easily impressed John Cross of Scale Models concludes, "The finest 20mm figures it has been my privilege to handle".

The figures justify the plaudits. Beautifully detailed, flattish and noticeably smaller than Hinton Hunt they have a rare dash and charm to them.

The new company was initially based in Higgins’ home village of Hardingstone, Northamptonshire and later moved to Wellingborough. Shortly afterwards they took up residence in Earls Barton in a tiny building nicknamed "the stone caravan".

A 20mm Marlburian range including grenadiers, musketeers, cavalry and artillery was added in 1970. Reviewing these Armchair General magazine noted that they were "definitely not to be excelled in this scale". And Grant waxes enthusiastically, "The [Marlburian] cavalry especially are absolutely exquisite. " Not to be left behind Airfix Magazine waded in with "The standard of all these [Les Higgins figures] is exemplary, better than most we’ve seen".

I only have a few Les Higgins figures, all from his JASON range, all beautiful figures in 30mm and a joy to paint..


A 25mm Napoleonic range by Higgins was a 1971 addition. These are "true" 25mm, compatible with early Garrison and Minifigs and just a couple of millimetres taller than Hinton Hunt. Around the same time Marlow, with some help from Higgins, produced a 25mm Sudan War range of five British infantry, five highlanders and a 21st lancer, 2 "fuzzy-wuzzies", 2 dervish infantry and a dervish cavalryman. The figures are up to the usual high standard though, "For some reason all my officers are left-handed," he says.

The 25mm figures have rectangular bases (most of the 20mm are on round ones). The underside of the earlier figures carries the words "Les Higgins. England" in copperplate script. Later figures have PMD and the serial number stamped on them. Originally sold individually, the company soon switched to a packs system.

Les Higgins Miniatures also made the "Jason" range of 30mm English Civil War and Marlburian figures. "The smaller figures were good, but I think the 30mm English Civil War figures were really Les’s finest work," Marlow comments.

Garratt says that Higgins also designed figures for Norman Newton Ltd, including in 56mm a figure of Henry VIII and Lady Jane Grey. Marlow does not believe that is the case, however, "Les did some jewellery and some sculptures for other people but he only did figures for us," he says.

Higgins, who had suffered from long-term health problems, died in 1972, aged 49. "Les’s death came at a time when the company was really starting to take off," Richards says, "They’d struggled with production problems and all sorts at the start, then just when things were beginning to go well…."

In Wargamer’s Newsletter Don Featherstone wrote, "[Les Higgins] was a most likeable person of the greatest integrity whose figures were even admired by his rivals. The wargames world and indeed the world of model soldier collecting has lost a great artist".

Marlow changed the company name to Phoenix Model Developments and Tim Richards who had been moonlighting for the company for some while left Mettoy to become chief designer.

A number of additions, designed by Richards, were made to the 25mm Napoleonic range during this time including British and French heavy cavalry and horse artillery. "I was basically finishing off ranges Les had begun," Richards says, "I think I might have done some of the 20mm English Civil War range as well".

A new Ancient range of Persians and Greeks was also produced, designed by Steve Farmer another Mettoy denizen ("They didn’t pay much at Mettoy," Marlow recalls, "and designing the figures to go with the James Bond Aston Martin wasn’t exactly a challenge. I think everyone was desperate to get out"). This latter range was released in January 1973 and made up of Greeks and Persians. A range of military vehicles in 4mm scale was also issued under the name Renown. The latter were designed by John Hanscomb.

In 1977 Phoenix moved to large new premises in a former shoe factory in Earls Barton. By now the company was becoming well known for its 54mm figures, particularly those of scantily clad women from the Phantasy and Atlantis ranges which delighted teenage readers of Military Modelling (well, this one anyway) and along with dolls house furniture would come to dominate the company’s output.

It was shortly after the move that production of wargames figures ceased. "The problem was that ours were true 25mm and true 20mm. They didn’t fit in with the other ranges that had become popular like Hinchliffe" Marlow says.

For some considerable time the firm of Les Higgins Miniatures has been very well known - and deservedly so - for its series of model figures in the 20mm., 30mm., and 54mm sizes - and frequently one would hear regrets being expressed that there was no extension into periods other than the English Civil War and the wars of Marlborough - I'm speaking of the wargaming size of figure, the first mentioned, of course. My own view was that the Marlborough figures particularly were of an extremely high standard, mounted and foot types as well, and to be honest, on not a few occasions 'Corporal John's' long-coated grenadiers and musketeers found themselves transported half a century or so through time to the later era of the Seven Years War, wherein they fought most doughtily and at the same time performed quite another function, that of showing up the relatively mediocre quality of the other troops with whom they marched. Of course, the Les Higgins figures of the other sizes and periods - with which we are not concerned at the moment - were equally excellent, and in the 54mm range I have an especially high regard for the portrait model of Charles I and for the 16th century French arquebusier. However, as I say, it is not these with which we are at the moment concerned, but rather with the new enterprise undertaken by the firm - a most welcome excursion into a size and periods both quiet new to it - the former being 25mm and the latter not only the ever popular Napoleonic but British Colonial as well. For some reason I cannot quite explain, this size - the 25mm - seems to have been pretty well accepted as a standard size for wargames, or at least as nearly standard as one can expect to get in this: most individualistic of hobbies.

It was to be expected, I suppose, that the new 25mm figures would follow the traditional path into the armies of the Napoleonic Wars, but let us mention first the other line, the types for British Colonial warfare, to be specific, the Sudan in 1898 and the expedition of that year. This period does not seem to be among the most popular among British wargamers, but surprisingly enough - to me, at any rate - it has a very considerable number of devotees in the U.S.A. (where, if I'm not mistaken, Jack Scruby Miniatures first produced figures for colonial warfare some years ago). And this despite what one might imagine are American views of British colonialism in the 'bad old days'.

At the moment, the Les Higgins colonial figures are less numerous than their Napoleonic fellows, and, naturally enough, consist of British troops - horse and foot - and 'Fuzzy Wuzzies' and Dervishes, likewise foot and mounted. The British representatives are line infantry and Highland infantry - both with the typical pith helmet - in what are the firm's standard four attitudes - 'at the ready', 'advancing', standing firing' and 'kneeling firing'. The last two are not of great interest to me personally - it is a simple idiosyncrasy that I don't like figures in violent postures or firing attitudes, but there, that's just me. Officers, again, all seem to be left handed, or at least they are firing pistols with this hand. But these are quite definitely all my 'gripes' - the finish, moulding and general overall appearance of the figures are quite beyond criticism. Quite simply, I have seen nothing better the detail would do credit to very much larger figures and that's a fact. The British cavalryman - a lancer, naturally, with Omdurman in mind - is an admirable action piece. He comes without lance, but one made from piano or florist's wire can easily be fixed in place - no trouble there. The Fuzzy-Wuzzies - running or advancing - with spear and shield, are most aggressive looking characters (and, dare I whisper it, could well figure in certain 'ancient' armies, say the Carthaginian!), while the Dervish' horseman, with huge leaf-bladed sword, looks most impressive.

My latest Les Higgins figures donated by Iain Macmillan, my go to provider of Les Higgins figures.

Tuesday 20 February 2024

John Braithwaite, Forgotten Wargamers Three

When I was a young wargamer in the 1970's, ie. eons ago John Braithwaite was a well known figure in the North East of England producing a lovely range of 20mm and 25mm wargames figures under the Garrison banner based out of Thornaby in Cleveland. Although originally a cockney he soon realised the error of his ways and headed North.
My first ancient Persian army was made up of the Garrison Persian range. Anyway, after completing a few more Garrison knights for Lion Rampant I thought it appropriate that I provide the readers with some information about their sculptor.                                                                                                   

John Braithwaite taking a sledging from Peter Gilder during their refight of Waterloo, from the now legendary Battleground television series. Gilder could be a bugger and really gave John a hard time. 
John Braithwaite was a sales representative who lived in Eaglescliffe near Middlesbrough. In 1966 he attended the first ever wargames convention hosted by Donald Featherstone in Southampton. During the convention John produced some of his first wargames sculpts, 20mm ancient greeks which were apparantly admired by all the wargamers present.                                                                                   
 John soon joined Neville Dickenson and Peter Gilder in their early joint venture at Miniature Figurenes. John provided a small range of 20mm ancient figures, his first love. If anyone is lucky enough to possess any of this range, it is obvious where John obtained his 'inspiration' from, as it was pretty clear it was based upon Arfix conversions of the Robin Hood range. The association with Mini Figs was short lived and John began sculpting 20mm wargames figures for a shop titled the Garrison based in Harrow from 1968.                                                                                                                                                            

I own a small number of this range, 4 units of Persian immortals, and although I like them, they suffer from a degree of flatness, caused by the early production methods. I still wouldnt part with them although they are truly 20mm figures. John was an early member of the Society of Ancients founded by the late Tony Bath and he offered his services as the offical artist of the group as they producded the first Slingshot magazines.                                                                                                                                    

My newly completed Garrison Knights in all their splendour.

The 20mm range was redesigned in 1973, and became a proper 25mm range although there would be the odd larger figure amongst the range, ah the vagaries of the 1970's. The figures were now producded under the Greenwood and Ball name and eventually were based in Thornaby. It was at this time that Peter Gilder, a longtime friend of Braithwaite, convinced him of his televisual abilities, and the infamous Waterloo sledging then occured.                                                                                           


As an aside, Greenwood and Ball had originally been a model soldier company formed by John Ambler Greenwood and Kathleen Ball, based in Scarborough producing a quality range of 54mm figures.                                                                

 John Braithwaite died in 1992 of a heart attack and the Garrison ranges passed through various hands before being obtained by Rob Young. Garrison producded some lovely figures and amongst my favourites are the Ancient Greeks and Persians, their English Civl War and their Hyboria range, all classic figures. During the time that John worked he also producded a number of lovely 54mm medieval figures and nights.                         

In the mid 1980's Garrison producded a small range of quality French Napoleonics, with seperate heads, these figures were in my opinion the best they made and were a joy to paint, sadly this range doesnt seem to exist anymore. I must have liked them because I entered a painted unit in a couple of painting competitions where they won, so they must have been pretty good figures.                                                                                                                                


My 6mm Napoleonic set up.

My 6mm Napoleonic set up.
Austria 1809.

Austrian Hussars

Austrian Hussars
Hinchliffe figures

Austrian Grenzer

Austrian Grenzer
Austrian Grenzer

Smoggycon 2013

Smoggycon 2013
Smoggycon 2013

Smoggycon 2012

Smoggycon 2012
Smoggycon 2012

Smoogycon 2009

Smoogycon 2009
My French getting another beating