I have attempted to customise some of the bases,and have incorporated camels and palm trees in an attempt to pretty things up.I do like the infantry from Command Decision,as they have pith hats,and shirt sleeve order.Very colonial and very Italian. For one of my squads I am going to paint a Black shirt unit,purely for theatre effect.My dad, God rest his soul was in the 8th Army,and although he very rarely talked about the war,gave me an officers Facista scarf,cap badges and officers tie. So I thought it would be appropriate to add some of Mussolini's followers to my army.
I have made an elementary error for any wargamer,as I have stocked up with unpainted metal,which is unlike me.I am usually more disciplined. I have also alternated between scales and periods, and have continued my Seven Years War project,albeit very slowly. John my long suffering opponent kindly painted me a unit of Hungarian infantry,and I am part way through a French heavy cavalry unit.I missed the show at Durham last weekend,and havent been to a show since Sheffield Triples,which I do find a bit disconcerting.I was in New York instead watching England showthe world how to play football [ I wish ]I do like New York, although it is getting very expensive.
Still sometimes a change is as good as a rest.
It was also sad to see the demise of the Spanish wargames magazine,Soldiers and Strategy. I believe it will still be published in Spain.
Love those Italians - well done on picking such an interesting army for WWII - wall to wall Panthers and Tigers are very dull!