Wednesday 12 December 2018

The Kings Lifeguard.

Now that I have virtually completed my small project for next years Waterloo game I am able to resume my 'old school' English Civil War project. I have just finished the Kings Lifeguard in all their red splendour. As I have stated before my armies are Hollywood ECW, which means bright uniformed regiments. None of the dull miss matched clothing that the regiments probably wore, no doubt some wargaming purists will dislike them but I wanted to recreate the armies John and I used in the very early 1980's..

I also thought I should 'do' another Union regiment to balance the forces somewhat. Perry plastics naturally, great figures for generic units.

The Perry twins decided to sculpt a few more dismounted confederate cavalry which I 'had' to have, I blame the consumer society for this craving.

And finally I wanted to have a few little mementos to give away at the Waterloo weekend next year. I thought the gifts should be a little different and was lucky enough to lay my hands on some Barry Minot figures from the early 1980's. Now considering they are well over 30 years old they are still lovely sculpts, well in my eyes they are. Naturally they are of the Guard and the final collapse at Waterloo.The figures are 30mm.

These little beauties are Stadden 20mm figures and are again lovely little sculpts. Yes I know Bessieres was dead by 1815 but they are just a little gift for the weekend.


  1. You are a painting machine, Robbie! I could gaze pie-eyed at your brushwork regardless of period, for hours on end. Well, actually I do that already.

    Best Regards,


    1. Thats very kind of you Stokes. Now I am no longer gainfully employed I have that precious commodity, time.When I was working I used to dream of completing my projects and starting new ones. It would be wrong not to achieve that dream.

  2. Many a splendid unit coming off your painting desk, Robbie! For the Old School look, your King's Lifeguard fit the bill to a tee. Great little vignette's too and the work on the your dismounted cav is superb!

    1. Thanks Johnathan,
      Bright is the goal which clearly isnt historical but looks great on a wargames table.The new Perrys are lovely sculpts only let down by the annoying bits of flash. Lovely to paint though.

  3. love them all, especially the little vignettes. Who DIDNT have the Kings Lifeguard in all their redness back in the 70s and 80s?

    1. Exactly Colin,
      My sentiments. I only wish I could trace John's original armies but I think thats never going to be achieved somehow.

  4. Robbie, all your new toys, look very impressive. I hope to see some of them during Waterloo game.

    1. Bartek,
      These 'new toys' are over 20 years old at least and were part of my very big 6mm Napoleonic armies. The Waterloo game is 28mm scale so wont be seen in Glasgow.


My 6mm Napoleonic set up.

My 6mm Napoleonic set up.
Austria 1809.

Austrian Hussars

Austrian Hussars
Hinchliffe figures

Austrian Grenzer

Austrian Grenzer
Austrian Grenzer

Smoggycon 2013

Smoggycon 2013
Smoggycon 2013

Smoggycon 2012

Smoggycon 2012
Smoggycon 2012

Smoogycon 2009

Smoogycon 2009
My French getting another beating