They were a pleasure to paint. Given the current shopping situation I should have foreseen buying a couple of plastic storage boxes, I slipped up there.Unfortunately since both myself and my wife are definitely under the weather so I cant expect her to get me a new storage box anytime soon.
On a more positive note, several months ago I was very lucky to buy some unpainted Mini Figs that had belonged to Eric Knowles who was one of our first generation wargamers from the early 1950's. Yes they are a tad stiff looking but I like the simplicity of the sculpts and hope Eric is looking down from Wargamers Valhalla and approves the look of the regiment. They are part of Newcastle's Whitecoats. I only wish I knew which regiment contained the miners from County Durham that fought at Marston Moor and never came back from the battle. It would be nice to have a little back story for some of the units.There is something very poignant if you have a little bit of a historical link to a unit in ones army albeit a very tenuous one.
Anyway I appear to be sweating up again, so time for a very hot toddy and a handful of paracetamol.Luckily I was able to stockpile a few bottles of whiskey. Keep safe and keep washing those hands.