Wednesday, 25 March 2020

Death warmed up anyone?

 Well I completed these chaps this morning even though I feel like death warmed up. They represent the 69th New York who were famous? for taking their boots off before a fight to relive what their ancestors used to do. From experience I wouldn't recommend it. Some sneaky rebel just has to stamp on your foot to scupper your intentions. Nasty......
 They were a pleasure to paint. Given the current shopping situation I should have foreseen buying a couple of plastic storage boxes, I slipped up there.Unfortunately since both myself and my wife are  definitely under the weather so I cant expect her to get me a new storage box anytime soon.

On a more positive note, several months ago I was very lucky to buy some unpainted Mini Figs that had belonged to Eric Knowles who was one of our first generation wargamers from the early 1950's. Yes they are a tad stiff looking but I like the simplicity of the sculpts and hope Eric is looking down from Wargamers Valhalla and approves the look of the regiment. They are part of Newcastle's Whitecoats. I only wish I knew which regiment contained the miners from County Durham that fought at Marston Moor and never came back from the battle. It would be nice to have a little back story for some of the units.There is something very poignant if you have a little bit of a historical link to a unit in ones army albeit a very tenuous one. 
Anyway I appear to be sweating up again, so time for a very hot toddy and a handful of paracetamol.Luckily I was able to stockpile a few bottles of whiskey. Keep safe and keep washing those hands.


  1. very colourful. Hope you've both got just normal colds and nothing more serious.

    1. Thanks Colin, unfortunately its a lot worse than a cold, but we'll never know for certain.

  2. Hope you are feeling better soon , do like the old MiniFigs .

    1. I never thought I would fall back in love with Mini Figs.

  3. Nice work, I do love the old Minifigs. Take care and rest up.

    1. Thanks Peter, I wish Id kept my old Mini Fig armies.

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks Neil, nothing like shiny soldiers to cheer one up.

  5. Nice additions, Robbie! Did the federal quartermaster run out of regulation trousers?

    Hope you contracted a common cold and nothing more serious.

    1. Thanks Johnathan, re the trews, what I understand was the Oirish wore gray trousers as opposed to the usual pale blue.

  6. Great work on the figures, hope you feel better soon.

    1. Im improving slowly although Ive struggled to find my painting mojo up to now.

  7. Robbie,
    Glad to see you stockpiled on the important stuff! Firm believer in whiskey making you better( well at least it can put you in a state of ambivalence)
    I used to have a reforest of those minifig guys ( am I really that old?) came 3rd in a painting competition many many moons ago

    1. I dont want to worry you Gram but times winged chariot is moving along rather quickly.

  8. Fine additions to two collections there! Take care of yourself and your better half!

    1. Thanks David. You must be taking the isolation badly with the loss of all those lunches.

  9. Robbie,keep safe!-I have been wearing a mask when I venture out,THE WIFE says it improves my looks!!
    Lovely paint job,as usual-keep in touch.

    1. Great fashion idea, get a gas mask and wear it at the next wargames show. It should make for a quiet day for us punters.

    2. When will that be???-here's hoping everything will,eventually, get back to "normal" asap.

  10. Hi Robbie one of my Daughters asked her Mother today have you put the Old Bugger under the Patio yet?
    No Construction Workers to lift the Sod was the reply.
    Watch what you are doing see you when we see you.

    1. Ive hidden all the knives now Brian, trouble is our lass has found my craft knives!

  11. Nice looking toys Robbie...
    I love the shiny White Coats...

    You take care of yourself...

    All the best. Aly

    1. Hopefully see you later this year Aly where you can wax lyrical about anything you want.

    2. Gosh!....
      ‘WARHAMMER!!!’... ;-)

  12. I like the old Minifigs, and I have little doubt Eric would approve.

  13. Keep up the hobby stuff Robbie, and I hope you're both on the mend soon. Dave

    1. Onwards and upwards Dave, and now the weekend has been postponed until November I expect to see your cheeky face at the event?


My 6mm Napoleonic set up.

My 6mm Napoleonic set up.
Austria 1809.

Austrian Hussars

Austrian Hussars
Hinchliffe figures

Austrian Grenzer

Austrian Grenzer
Austrian Grenzer

Smoggycon 2013

Smoggycon 2013
Smoggycon 2013

Smoggycon 2012

Smoggycon 2012
Smoggycon 2012

Smoogycon 2009

Smoogycon 2009
My French getting another beating