Saturday, 18 January 2025

A once in a lifetime sale.

 I have too many armies. I admit it. Something has to give before my joists do. So I intend to sell my English Civil War collection. Sadly it isnt being used and probably never will. I expended a lot of love creating both sides of the conflict but on top of that, I wanted to create the armies that John and I used in the 1980's.

                                       Like most projects I do I went over board with numbers.
There are 936 infantry and 328 cavalry. Naturally, there are a lot of commanders and artillery pieces. I also painted up a couple of regiments of peasants and will include them for free. I will also throw the guns and commanders in for free. The majority of the figures are Hinchliffe, naturally, but there are smaller numbers of Mini Figs, Garrison Miniatures and the odd figure from Eagle Miniatures. Additionally, I managed to source a couple of foot regiments owned by the late great Stuart Asquith.  
I am not giving them away, well apart from the peasants, generals and guns but would like a reasonable return on the figures. That means a fair price. So if anyone would like to contact me, lets see if we can come to an acceptable agreement.   
I will be attending the York Wargames Show unless the weather strikes again, which would be a great time to talk through a deal

                Foremost figures are probably still the best for animation.

                                                      Lovely Hinchliffe goodies.

                              These peasants will be free, something you rarely get nowadays.

                                                                  Mini Figs. 


  1. Replies
    1. I know, but you should see me other collections. One must go.

  2. Had I not already have a largish Minifig collection I would be all over this, lovely looking collection and I am sure it will sell very quickly.

    1. I wish, but wargamers of a certain age with large armies will always struggle unless they find a similar type of wargamer.

  3. Beautiful collection Robbie, if I win the lottery tonight I will buy it. Otherwise sadly my budget won't stretch to buying this wonderful collection of figures. I am sure you will get a great price for them.


  4. That's a great collection shame they've gotta be sold though.

  5. Very best wishes for a successful sale Robbie.

  6. Fabulous and sorry you have to sell but I’ve just unloaded my SYW so understand the reasons why. Wish I could justify buying them but ……

  7. They look great! Maybe you just need the right rules to hold onto them! :-)

  8. My Hinchliffe ECW collection is only c. 600 foot and 300 horse but even that overmatches my table. I might be tempted sometime by some Scots or even Hesilrige's lobsters but for now I have enough. I do hope someone takes them up and hope to see under new generalship soon - it would be to sad for these old figures to just fade away.


My 6mm Napoleonic set up.

My 6mm Napoleonic set up.
Austria 1809.

Austrian Hussars

Austrian Hussars
Hinchliffe figures

Austrian Grenzer

Austrian Grenzer
Austrian Grenzer

Smoggycon 2013

Smoggycon 2013
Smoggycon 2013

Smoggycon 2012

Smoggycon 2012
Smoggycon 2012

Smoogycon 2009

Smoogycon 2009
My French getting another beating