Monday, 10 March 2025

Mardi Gras, a tonic for everyone.


Well Im finally back from the birthday celebrations in New Orleans. I would recommend it to anyone to experience the final week of their Mardi Gras. You will need a lot of energy, the ability to hold your drink and also have a very open mind. I don't really have any of those anymore, but I did my best, and as usual, the locals were as charming as ever. God bless the South. But it was a once in the lifetime experience although I admit Im knackered and my poor wife is quite ill following the turmoil of cancelled flights etc.

 But that's enough of that.

 Whilst away, I received a few messages regarding my former English Civil War armies, which I had sold at the York Wargames show back in February.

 Sadly, the armies are now for sale on E Bay, under the lofty title of the Rodiss collection. I say this sadly because, naively, I sold the entire collection at a very reasonable price and hoped it would be enjoyed for years to come. Clearly, I was too generous in the pricing, and the temptation to make a quick buck was too great. My fault, really, and I honestly hope the collection is sold for the price requested.

As they say 'my bad' whatever that means.

 It could have been worse; poor Brigadier Young sold his famous Charge collection but never received the money. That collection disappeared over the Atlantic and has never been seen again.

 On a happier note, just prior to my break, I received the latest Hail Ceasar release, the Ancient British army box. They look brilliant, especially the naked fanatics and chariots.

John and I had a huge Hail Ceasar battle just before I buggered off and although I lost, it was a cracking battle let down by my 7, yes seven blunders. But the rules are hugely entertaining and do give a great historical feel to the game.


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