Sunday 3 April 2011

Ducal String Quartet

Well, the painting continues anon, with my version of Eurekas string quartet, painted in the ducal colours of deep yellow and purple. The figures were a pig to fix to the chairs, but were still a nice figure to paint,so cant really complain to much.
 I took receipt of a small number of painted Spencer Smith cavalry this weekend, I had forgotton how simplistic these figures are, with very little detail etc to paint. I have attempted to touch them up a bit but they are still not very good,and certainly not a patch on my RSM figures, but its all a matter of personal taste, and if they were good enough for Charles Grant then who am I to gripe about them.

I have nearly finished my batallion of Garde Grenadiers  [ I think I will use the French spelling from now on] again in deep yellow, they dont look too bad all things considering.
 I intend to maintain some discipline and alternate between one batallion of Hanoverians and one from my new side project, well thats the theory anyway.
 As stated previously I have been attempting to collect an Old School wargamer library and have been attempting to obtain copies of a lot of the books that set me on my way in the wargaming world. I think it may be of interest if I downloaded bits from some of these books. I still find a lot of the stuff relevant, even if we have moved on as regards to the availability of figures etc. But even there I still find, Hinchliffe, Willie, Rsm and Warrior of a decent standard compared to modern figure designers, even the Perrys and Eureka.


  1. Nice work, sir. I'm not keen on Spencer Smith cavalry, but their Holger Eriksson range are beauties.

  2. A very pleasant vignette indeed.
    Looking forward to discover the Garde Grenadiers in deep yellow; yellow uniforms can be gorgeous, and yellow associates well with almost the same diversity of facing colours as white / off-grey.

    Did you choose the name of your Duchy?
    The 'East meets West' indeed allows a flamboyant combination of troop types.
    As a brother of Maurice de Saxe, the Duka can be a military mastermind.

  3. PS: if I may: since your blog deals with diverse armies, and hopefully will grow and grow, it would be reader friendly to 'label' your posts. This would make browsing your archives easier, for the newcomer discovering your blog as well as for the veteran visitor searching for a reference.
    It can be done a posteriori with the 'edit posts' utility, and is not a chore unless the number of previous posts is tremendous.
    Alternatively, since so far most of your posts are devoted to 'historical' SYW gaming, it could be enough to label the posts dealing with your 'own' duchy.

    Best regards and wishes,

  4. These musicians look good . . . I like your ducal colours, sir.

    -- Jeff


My 6mm Napoleonic set up.

My 6mm Napoleonic set up.
Austria 1809.

Austrian Hussars

Austrian Hussars
Hinchliffe figures

Austrian Grenzer

Austrian Grenzer
Austrian Grenzer

Smoggycon 2013

Smoggycon 2013
Smoggycon 2013

Smoggycon 2012

Smoggycon 2012
Smoggycon 2012

Smoogycon 2009

Smoogycon 2009
My French getting another beating