Thursday, 19 May 2016

Peter Gilder a life in wargaming.

Sometimes I view the Internet as a wonderful instrument that allows ordinary people to link with others for many reasons. Other times I wonder if we have opened Pandora's Box.
Today is such a day.
 I set up a blog site to allow wargamers and others to learn about the contribution that the late Peter Gilder made to wargaming. A fairly innocent aim you would think. However I couldnt understand why the site has no followers, so one of the things I did to increase readership was to link the site to Blogs of War.
  What could be simpler. However some arse wipe for whatever reason has hijacked my blog domain and linked it to some bollocks Indonesian site, and basically kiboshed the blog.
 I have now renamed the blog as Peter Gilder, a life in wargaming with a new link; , however up to now this link is not working.
 Please be patient, I will attempt to sort it, God knows how.
 And if there is a God I will meet the individual who thought this was funny, please let this happen.


  1. Spacing in the URL causes loading issues. No space needed between the http:// and the site address...

    1. Thanks for spotting that, however when I click my link it still wont work!!!!

  2. Yep,

    works fine.

  3. When you say you linked the site to blogs of war , How did you do that. I tried to add my blog using the form at the bottom on several occasions but nothing seems to happen.. I am a computer dinosaur btw

    1. Robert,
      Me and you both, however Blogs of war has worked for me. I just havent worked out how my original blog, In the Grand Manner was linked to some far eastern rubbish.

  4. The link works fine. What an excellent blog! I'm following anonymously.

    Best Regards,


  5. Found the blog - but don't seem to be able to become a follower. Good start Robbie- 16 whole posts I knew nothing about .... Do you want somer pics of my ex- Gilder ECW units ... email me direct if you do.

  6. Great blog Robbie. Takes me back :-)


My 6mm Napoleonic set up.

My 6mm Napoleonic set up.
Austria 1809.

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