Friday, 24 June 2016

Enough is enough.

I wasnt going to comment upon the referendum and its result, purely because we wargamers should be more interested in wargaming or three dimensional games, or whatever is the name for playing with toy soldiers nowadays. However having watched and listened to the news, read the comments on the Guardian and now read some of the posts on various wargaming blogs I have decided to have my threepence worth;
   I am immensely proud of the people of the British Isles who went to the polls last night and voted to leave the EU. It is a giant leap in the dark, and would have been very easy to take the easy option and vote to stay in the EU. I would argue most of the 17 million plus voters did so after some careful thought about what the risks are for voting out.
 Today like all the other people who voted out I have been accused of being, old, racist, selfish, ignorant, Little Englander, hateful,liars, stupid, a baby boomer who took everything and left nothing for the future, etc, etc;
Oh and apparently 75% of the youth of this country were betrayed because they voted to stay in Europe?
 well one question I would ask is how do they know that, considering the voting slip is meant to be an anonymous document, but of course that cant be a lie, because the leader of the Liberals, and a keen remainer said it. He also asked for a second Referendum! clearly he cant grasp the concept of people power.
 Perhaps if the remain campaign had offered up some positive arguments as to why we should stay in Europe, people would have supported them, instead all we got were the negatives of what could happen should we leave. Apparently immigration was too complex an issue to discuss, and if anyone attempted to talk about the elephant in the room, a scream of RACIST would be leveled at them, the final nail in the coffin for remaining for me was the unedifying sight of Eddie Izzard beret and all, burbling on like a demented old maid, but not actually saying anything about the most important decision this country had to make in 100 years.
 So please all you remainers, you weren't cheated, or lied to, I wasn't influenced by some giant News International Conspiracy, I dont hate foreigners, and sit in a White Van planning some lynching, I merely recognised that enough is enough, I love my country and know it has many faults, but clearly courage is not lacking when the chips are down.


  1. Well said Robbie.

    I voted to remain as you know. The Leave camp didn't sell their case to me; indeed they turned me off with what are proven mis-truths and an interesting use of statistics. Farage revolts me. Boris, Gove, Ian D-S scare me. We shall all have to live with the outcome and make the best of wherever it leads us, when the powers that be decide to invoke Article 50 to commence the exit process, which doesn't have to be any time soon according to Boris. The outcome of the referendum isn't even binding apparently which is worrying.

    So yes, let's get back to wargaming and enjoying our hobby in our golden years.

  2. I suspect that the number on the back of your voting card is the link to the register of voters. I'm sure the fact that when I collected by voting card and the man behind the desk said "number......212" and the fact my card end in "...12" was just a coincidence.
    But as to the youth - yes I'm pretty certain that most of them would have voted to remain. Certainly all those that I know did.

    1. Afternoon Paul,
      I have read your other comments on other blogs, and I think you know better than me why the decision could probably be the correct one. Again the media are peddling the 75% remain idea for young people, it may be true, I dont really know. I do know that when interviewed these people struggled to offer a reasoned argument as to why the should stay in Europe,free movement/ non visa travel seemed a big concern, also dearer roaming charges for their telephones was also a big concern! So sleep walking into a Federalist Europe wasnt considered? and of course migration was off their agenda. The latest mantra appears to be, that the 'old' should be disfranchised in order to allow a democratic vote? work that one out, it makes you want to cry.

  3. Having made our bed we must now lie on it - for good or bad ! , Tony

    1. Im sorry you take such a negative view of the result. I understand that all the polls were predicting a vote for remain, so would I have screamed at the young people demanding their stupidity be punished? I would like to think I would have taken a more mature view.
      As for the the SNP, they were always looking for justification in a second referendum, especially as they didnt get the right answer the first time. As for Sinn Fein, well I wont comment on their pathetic views. I am getting tired of people over emoting about what we 'racists and selfish old bastards' have done, if things work out I am looking forward to a wonderful thank you? If things go tits up, well at least we tried,and hopefully gave it our best shot.

  4. I'm with you, Robbie. I have a large circle of friends that are 18-30, most of them 'in work' are UKIP, and the few that are in college are Labour, but even the latter declared their support to Leave. In the last election, the old-timers went back to the Tories, yet UKIP vote soared, they were shocked to find many were first time voters, but it was only mentioned on the television news once! Back to war-games, I can now muster about 40 18th century civilians for my Georgian town but some of my younger friends are raising Crown troops at double time to take on my Rebel AWI army......must get back to painting more X-Range 28mm. Michael

    1. Your right, its time to stop reading the media, and get back to some toy soldiers. Luckily being old, I have lots and because I got them when they were cheap, I can enjoy them, thus depriving youngsters of even that pleasure.

  5. Well said!, very well said, Robbie.

    1. Thanks Paul,
      I sometimes think Im a bit touched in the head, when I am out of kilter with the press, media, Twitter and all that other crap.

  6. Well said Robbie, very disappointed with the reaction of the losing side. It's a strange thing this democracy.

    1. Ken,
      But isnt it great to be able to have some influence, even if just for a few seconds on what you would like to happen.

    2. Very much so. The majority has spoken, back to the paints.

  7. It seems to be the favorite tactic of the Left to resort to name calling (racist and bigot are used frequently as is equating those who don't agree with them as Nazis) when they have failed to make a compelling argument that supports their positions. It is ingrained in the American political process and seems to have taken hold in the uk as well. Those words effectively kill off any debate as its proponents use the tactic to stifle debate and silence the opposition.

    1. Jim,
      Unfortunately we copy most of the trends that arrive from the USA,I would like to think that most people generally are decent, and really just want a fair crack of the whip. However when they have concerns, they should be allowed to voice them, and expect a civilized explanation about them, but no, its drowned by screams of racist, this must be the most over used word in the English language. On a better note, great new Hessian range, well done.

  8. As in any divisive debate, emotions always run high, and it will take some time for dust to settle and to become pragmatic for all sides.

    As a Belgian, I am stron in favour of the EU. Of course it has its faults - but what surprised me is the strong anti-EU seniment in the UK, while the UK always got preferential treatment from the EU: opt-out packages, rebates, ... Years of tabloid journalism has done its ob well.

    The way I see it it's not so much a vote anti-EU, but more anti-globalization. You see this happening in many Western countries. The context might differ from country to country, but the underlying sentiments are the same.

    1. Thanks for your reply Phil,
      I think you should understand there is not a strong anti EU sentiment in Great Britain, and this myth of the tabloids effecting the way people think is frankly insulting.The EU was sold to this country as a Common Market, whereby all European countries would be able to trade fairly with each other, we had two referendums on this issue, each time the UK public were told its all about trade.
      We were then told by our political masters that we must join the Euro, otherwise we would be sidelined and marginalised, luckily we avoided that mess.It has become increasingly clear that the whole EU is un reformable, and like FIFA is run by self interested non elected eurocrats who refuse to listen to the views of the electorates of the EU. As I stated, we took a very brave and frankly scary decision, which today is again being lambasted by the media, MP's, and the informed chattering classes as the wrong? decision.There is even a demand for a new referendum!!! I wish you and yours the best of luck staying in the EU, I hope that things can be sorted out, but frankly I don't think the union is capable of such a root and branch reform.

  9. Well interesting thoughts, it really doesn't matter what I voted, heart and mind were at odds. We are where we are and of course the media need to feed themselves with scary, speculative headlines but go behind the headlines. Obama has changed his tune about dealing with us, Clinton the same. Merkel wants a favourable disengagement, fine France wants to twist the knife but they have a lot to be worried about. The EU itself is in danger of implosion.
    I agree Robbie had the EEC remained as it was when we joined in 1975 about free trade within a common area we wouldn't be having this debate today.
    Things change and we have taken a leap into the unknown - no one knows for certain where it will lead - it won't be as bad as some say and yeah it won't be as good as some promised but it's not the end of the world we just have to move forward

  10. Afternoon Graham,
    For God's sake lets get back to talking and playing with Toy Soldiers.

    1. Right. No more politics. Next Thursday. Game. Trying out a Glory Halejuja supplement to Black Powder?

  11. Well done Brits. The easy way would have been to cower down and surrender up the sovereignty of your legal system.

  12. The outie arguments were largely nonsense -(Not that the remain camp was a whole lot better) based on the traditional English working class dislike of "forriners" or indeed anyone even remotely different-an attitude that I thought had died last century - well I was wrong . Frankly I'm ashamed to be English at the moment. Not simply because you voted to leave the EU but because this paints a picture of a small minded bigoted nation. During the campaign I heard statement made by various voters in various pubs that would have made Stalin blush. Remember both Scots and N Irish voted to remain by significant majorities so this vote could well see the break up of the UK in time (Border checks to go to Claymore???) All this crap about sovereignty is just eyewash in todays world.
    However we are- as Graham says where we are - but a question which no-one ever asked. Now we are out whats the plan? Why should all these countries that the Brexiteers said we could "make our own deals with" Why should they want to? We are now between a rock and a hard place with a comparatively poor negotiating position.
    My real worry now is simple- what the hell have you silly sods DONE !! and more importantly what are YOU going to do now.

  13. I've been waiting for a comment from you Andy, and somehow I knew that you would be all for remain.You are entitled to your opinion, and I am still entitled to mine.
    Please explain to me the benefits of being a member of the European Union because I have yet to hear one cogent argument for staying in a union that has increasingly become meaningless? All I heard throughout was how things would be terrible,how any person supporting such a proposal was clearly a racist, and a little Englander etc etc; Now the referendum is over, the clamour from the left is even worse. Frankly the only people who should be ashamed are the so called left wing who between emoting about the 'poor youf ' scream about how the 'old' racist selfish ignorant voters have stolen not only the past but now the future.Some of the comments on the precious Guardian are frankly the views of a neo nazi scum. But of course that cannot be the case because they support Labour, except that Labour has shown itself to be as exploitative and as selfish as the Tories.
    Regarding ' a Plan',the referendum was an in or out question, it was never a true political choice between parties, the plan is to create an alternative United Kingdom, it might work, or it might fall flat on its arse, but at least it will be this country's mess.
    Regarding the Scots and Jimmy Crankie's threats, it seems pretty clear that she was going to find some reason to push for a second referendum no matter what concessions were given to shut her up. A more measured response from the Scots would have been to wait and see what evolved out of the fallout, where she and her party contributed, but a true Nationalist party is never wanting that, all they are looking for is some 'grievance or slight'
    As for the elephant in the room, the M word, migration.
    The last four years of my working life provided an image of just what our political masters had created. Swathes of houses sold to faceless landlords after 'white flight' had occurred, crammed full of poor exploited badly educated economic migrants, paid jack shit, but still a better existence than their previous lives, undercutting our own badly educated people. Most of which had given up, and accepted the state handouts living on a day to day basis, some taking the badly paid jobs on offer, all wondering where this wonderful vibrant diverse culture was that better educated lovies talked of. So please dont lecture me about racism, and being ashamed,and what are we going to do.
    I could go on, but what would be the point,you and many other well educated people have already made their views very plain about the 17 million people who voted out, and WE should be ashamed?

    1. Totally right, Robbie. The Remain lobby offered the electorate nothing but disrespect, lies, their own pride and arrogance. In reality, all they stood for is more bureaucracy, growing social problems, and poor financial policy decisions. Britain and Europe are about to face serious economic and cultural problems but we, at least, now have greater freedom to manoeuvre. In Europe, the talk in many countries is 'if only we had the right to vote'. Good luck to our European neighbours in taking on the EUSSR. By the way, outside London, the self-employed, and, particularly up North, the ordinary working folk (and many young people) went against the ruling class and liberal-left establishment. See how the latter now shout out their contempt for democracy........the hypocrisy of these people is shocking.

    2. Thank you Michael,
      I am beginning to wonder if I live in a parallel universe. Am I scared Christ yes, the ruling parties are in complete meltdown and running around like scalded cats, but do I wish I had voted in, hell no, because I honestly believe enough is enough and only by using my vote have I been able to express a desire for a better United Kingdom. Is it a gamble, yes,but it shouldn't be beyond the wit of man to create something better than the way we were heading.

  14. I am a great believer in real politics. The world is not about to come to an end either now, next week or it a few years time. What I am sure of is that there is no magic wand and we are not walking towards some sunlit uplands of perfection and 'Independence Day'. I predict there will actually be no radical change for 99% of people in the next decade.

    One of the reasons Mr Cameron lost is that he managed to up set vast swathes of the voting public - and that is a terribly important point the voting public. He labelled the UKIPers as loons and racists, upset the OAP's and crucially didn't remember that outside the Westminster and N London chattering classes bubble there are millions and millions of people who have no connection with him and his gang. It's all v well for the young to moan but if you don't vote then you only have yourself to blame and bluntly this is a democracy. I didn't vote to leave but the other side won. That's it. There's nothing to be ashamed about it. Democracy prevailed. The referendum is now old news and we should look ahead.

    I have no doubt that the unelected eurocrats in Brussels are livid (I think most of us can agree that is tough) but Mrs Merkel and the other leaders are not lemmings. They want to survive. They need a deal as much as we do, perhaps more. Their economies are in the main fragile and although our stock market has fallen, theirs have fallen far more. Further one of the unintended benefits is that we have had an effective devaluation of sterling which will boost our exports and curtail their imports. The Germans need to sell us things far more than we need to do to them. Mrs Merkel is not going to start a trade war as all those business people who voted her in will turn on her. She already has enough trouble from her actions last year without starting a trade war.

    I am confident that calm, rational heads buried in the civil service will find solutions to all these points and real politics will prevail. In the meantime the politicians will let off steam and do a great deal of talking which I will try and ignore.


    1. Thank you Guy for a very reasoned post.Having time to watch this whole thing unravel has been very enlightening, and frankly has totally convinced me that I voted correctly.Watching the likes of Anne Sourby and Dianne Abbott emote and scream has been the best entertainment I have seen in weeks only matched by the refusal from the EU to meet Nicola Sturgeon to discuss Scotland staying in/joining their little club.Probably not a mature way to behave, but things are now resembling a Brian Rix farce.

  15. A very well thought out post Robbie. I also voted out and am having to put up with the frankly disturbing bile being shown to me by the chatterati. well sod em. I voted for sovereignty and controlled immigration and am glad we won.

    1. Thank you Benjamin, it doesnt seem to be letting up though, the BBC seem fixated on a re run or just ignoring 17 million people because they dont agree with it.


My 6mm Napoleonic set up.

My 6mm Napoleonic set up.
Austria 1809.

Austrian Hussars

Austrian Hussars
Hinchliffe figures

Austrian Grenzer

Austrian Grenzer
Austrian Grenzer

Smoggycon 2013

Smoggycon 2013
Smoggycon 2013

Smoggycon 2012

Smoggycon 2012
Smoggycon 2012

Smoogycon 2009

Smoogycon 2009
My French getting another beating