Sunday 12 February 2017

A Steve Hezzlewood follow up.

Following on from my last post I have been 'dinking' about the internet regarding those damned Hezzlewood ACW figures and came across a company called The Kings Shilling who had posted the following on their site regarding a 28mm ACW and ECW range from the late Steve Hezzlewood.
 I know that Steve Hezzlewoods life was 'complicated' to say the least but Alte Fritz aka Jim Purkey had kindly commented that the 28mm ACW never got into production and look like they never existed. Jim knows his stuff, but now I am really intrigued as to whether Steve Hezzlewood may have created some master sculpts in 28mm but didn't sell them with the rest of the Pax Britannica ranges back in the early 1990's and instead sold them to someone in the UK. I've contacted the Kings Shilling just to see what their take is on their post.All I want is a bag full of Hezzlewood's ACW figures, its not too much to ask is it.

Steve Hezzlewood’s Designs

The original idea behind setting up The King’s Shilling was to launch our own range of figures, based on the work of the late Steve Hezzlewood. Unfortunately right now, this is not looking too promising although we do have a number of master castings the master moulds are no longer viable meaning any ranges we could produce would be small and not up to the standard we would have liked.
Having said that, we do envisage a time when there are a range of TKS Miniatures also available via The King’s Shilling website, so for those that are interested please watch this space.
If you’re eager for the return of Steve Hezzlewood’s ACW and ECW ranges in 28mm or would like to share any memories you have of Steve’s designs then please drop us a line, we’d love to hear from you.


  1. I don't know if it helps but I seem to remember that post Pax Britannica but before RSM, a company called Vandred or Vandrad in the UK were stocking some of the range. They were based in Exeter or Exemouth. I do remember they had some 20mm ACW because I was after the personality figures.

    1. Neil,
      I sadly still have their advertisements [ I know] this range was sold to RSM in the USA. Thanks for that.

  2. Hi Robbie,

    I like the article and thanks for the email. I've knocked up something of a response and added some images on my website -


    1. Thanks Lee,
      I always follow your site. He was a great designer, another flawed genius. An overused word but very relevant where he was concerned.

  3. I do remember they had some 20mm ACW because I was after the personality figures.

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