Sunday 2 September 2018

General Duhesme.

 I decided to have a quick review of the Young Garde contingent I am painting for the Great Game in Glasgow next June.I feel I am making some progress and I am finally getting into the swing of things.
 To relieve the monotony of painting blue figures I painted up my brigadier base of General Duhesme. In real life he was wounded and died on the battlefield at Waterloo apparently finally expiring in Blucher's command tent.From my research he was clearly a very brave die hard republican notorious for his pillaging. Still the Emperor gave him command of the Tirrailleurs of the Garde so he must have had some redeeming features. Given my record with generals no doubt he will die again next year.

 Eventually each battalion with have a company of skirmishers. All the units will have movement trays and their respective causality marker.
                                                 I have painted 11 of these so only one to go.


  1. Splendid progress, Robbie! Your Duhesme command stand is outstanding.

    1. Thanks Jonathan,
      he came out nice, I am currently painting up an additional little stand with a vivandre just to add some fun.

  2. The Duhesme base is full of character. Those numbers are showing a great commitment to the project.

    1. Norm,
      Its all for a good cause and I am really looking forward to the whole event.I like Glasgow anyway so between a weekend gaming, beer and like minded people it should be good.

  3. Replies
    1. Im getting the hang of Napoleonics again Ray, but really want to get back to my ECW project.

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks Paul,
      you've been quiet recently, bust with the new job?

  5. Beautiful looking Young Guard, Robbie. Love the look of them en masse. The general had quite a record - serving in Spain under one of my favorite marshals, Massena - no wonder he took up pillaging! :)

    1. I have read his potted biography and its very clear he was a true republican which naturally held him back later in his career. It appears he believed like all revolutionaries that property was theft until it belonged to him. Still clearly a very brave man that Napoleon recognised.

  6. Thanks for showing us your progress Robbie, they all look splendid and I hope the event will be enjoyable for you - lots of time yet to build up the anticipation!

    1. Chris you know whatsits like, time seems to whizz along.

  7. Lovely looking command stand, your making great progress!
    Best Iain

  8. I really like your site and content so much,thanks for sharing the information keep updating, looking forward for more posts.


  9. I love your posts and everything looks wonderful. I love your idea thanks for sharing.


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