Monday 13 September 2021

Warning, burbling clown is interviewed on respected podcast.

I failed to mention in my last post that I had taken part?? in a podcast courtesy of Yarkshire Games. Id very kindly been put forward by Colin Ashton as someone who might provide something interesting to say about wargaming. Im afraid poor Ken lost three hours of his life he will never get back. I was very impressed by the professional way Ken conducted the whole event and I never thought I would need to use my old media training. Needless to say I talked the legs of a donkey but hopefully Ken can edit the whole thing into something of interest. Its on you-tube I believe, just search Yarkshire Games.
I completed a right mix of figures these last few days in between putting part of my garden to bed for the Winter. First the Carnegie regiment of Scots.

I bought a few unpainted Macedonian cavalry from E Bay, I think they were Agema but dont quote me on that. They are very crisp sculpts and easy to paint.These will be added to my slowly building Successors which I hope to finish before I reach complete gagaism.

Ah yes, some more Kern. I didnt need them as I have enough but for completeness sake I painted a few foot archers. Not my best effort but acceptable I suppose.Skirmish archers in Billhooks arent very effective but being Kern they can melee if needed so are always handy.

Finally another unit of gallowglass. These are a mixture of Antediluvian Miniatures and Perry. They are compatible size wise. The Antediluvian figures are based on a Durer sketch from that time and are lovely figures, definitely recommended. The sculptor really made an accurate copy of the sketch with these figures, truly remarkable.



  1. Superstar at last mate, fame relentlessly hunts you down!!
    Like the Scots.

    1. Been there done that before. I never liked even 15 seconds of fame.

  2. Replies
    1. I must admit I was very impressed with the Antediluvian Miniatures figures, they were cheap but then what wargames figures are.

  3. Can't imagine you blathering on about wargaming 😁 Very nice additions there to the Jocks, Paddies and plate chuckers.

    1. Unfortunately David due to Covid madness I can talk the legs off a donkey on any subject you care to name. I think its the novelty of actually speaking to another human being.

  4. Who doesn't like a warrior with a big chopper? Very nice work all round and I look forward to catching up on your interview.

    1. Steady Paul, you may be cancelled for masculine aggression.

  5. Great work on all these but I think the ECW Scots are my favourites

  6. More Irish, that's what I like to see and those Antediluvian Miniatures are great. Did I mention I also have a (mainly) Hinchliffe Macedonian / Successor Army?

  7. I misread gagaism .....for orgasm!!!!

  8. Great to chat with you Robbie, the finished episode will be unleashed on the world on Saturday, thanks again for your time.

    Regards Ken
    The Yarkshire Gamer

  9. Just finished listening to the podcast, well done Robbie a nice trip down memory lane brought loads flooding back. The figures are excellent and I was so ahead of my time having converted and cast 200+ Irish for our refight of Stoke Field in 1987 :)

  10. Fabulous figures. Can’t make up my mind which I like best - all fab 👍. Have the podcast queued up and looking forward to it.


My 6mm Napoleonic set up.

My 6mm Napoleonic set up.
Austria 1809.

Austrian Hussars

Austrian Hussars
Hinchliffe figures

Austrian Grenzer

Austrian Grenzer
Austrian Grenzer

Smoggycon 2013

Smoggycon 2013
Smoggycon 2013

Smoggycon 2012

Smoggycon 2012
Smoggycon 2012

Smoogycon 2009

Smoogycon 2009
My French getting another beating