The Independent Wargames Group. Being a Journal of views, prejudices, ideas and photographs of wargaming not just nationwide, but hopefully world wide. The name IWG was adopted in the early 1980's in response to the then dominant Wargames Research Group, but things have moved on, and wargaming appears to be in somewhat of a Golden Age, so sit back and hopefully enjoy my rantings.
Thursday, 22 September 2022
Safely back.
Last Saturday I dragged myself to The Border Reivers show in Gateshead. John and I have always attended this show and found it a decent day out. Saturday was no different, well mainly no different.
The morning seemed busy and there was a decent queue waiting to get into the place. It was nice to bump into old faces and talk toy soldiers and the like. There were a few new trade stalls that I hadnt seen before with some interesting new products and of course there was a bring and buy set up. Strangely some tables were empty through the day, which was unusual for the show. I picked up some cheap [very] Victrix Macedonians but didnt succumb to the urge to buy up all the packs on sale. There is nothing worse than having thousands of unpainted figures under the table, it can be soul destroying.
Games wise there were some nice tables on show, my favourite being the Westerhope Crew displaying their early war desert campaign.Its the one period of the second World War I enjoy. No mega powerful tanks and some interesting opportunities for the Italians to shine.
Unfortunately after the show I had a relapse and had to take to my bed. I think it was from talking to various wargamers who described their ailments, colleagues ailments or simply complaining of getting old. I know Im no better at times. One hates bits falling off them.
In between sleeping I have managed to complete a few figures. The Indians are from Lamming Miniatures and were good figures to paint. The foot soldiers are from Fireforge and will be added to my Lion Rampant force.Ignore any heraldry, its whatever I could lay my hands upon.
Hopefully I will attend Partizan in October, everything being well. It will be nice to get more inspiration and enjoy the sight of some top quality games.
Friday, 2 September 2022
Paved with good intentions.
Post the last two plus years I think its fair to say people are struggling to adjust to the new normal. Some people I know will never return to what was normality and basically become virtual recluses, dodging groups, crowds or even just very small groups. One sees them in various shops, masked up wearing plastic gloves and avoiding others like they have the plague. Then we have the majority whose life routines will never return. I think Im in that group. I do things slower, procrastinate more and seem quite happy to adopt a much slower pace. Of course it could be because Im getting a bit older.Anyway that is my excuse for not posting more regularly.
Its also noticeable that the major wargaming companies aren't producing many new ranges of figures.Its understandable given the cost of everything going up. Of course we have a number of small figure companies such as Claymore Castings, Antediluvian Miniatures and the like releasing small ranges of beautiful figures but no big new projects. No new periods. So have we reached saturation point regarding the various periods?
Is there a need for a complete range of 28mm Napoleonics? Or has basically every war been covered by the many ranges? Hence the Napoleonic Rabbits and Turnips??? and such like. It probably explains the skirmish games that appear with regularity. Games with a well produced set of rules, figures displayed in the rules that are also produced to be bought with the rules a la Games Workshop and sometimes a nice range of gaming accessories to complement the new game. Why not, if they are good value?
Clearly Ive plunged into the skirmish trend wholeheartedly with the new Lion Rampant release.I must admit I am enjoying painting up some units and planning a couple of factions. Im determined not to spend a lot on the figures, but like all good intentions. Well you know the rest.I did manage to pick up some cheapish? Foundry figures that were the customary joy to paint. I also located my old Brettonian transfers to add a little interest to them.
Of course it was prudent to buy some plastics for the sergeants and the like from Fireforge and very nice figures they are to. I also located a number of the old Brettonian plastic archers which have been a staple of my Never Mind the Billhooks project. Over forty years old but still excellent generic figures, not showy but perfect for smaller games.
Im slowly painting up my Lamming order of ancients for my Persian army and very nice they are to. Well cast figures that are a pleasure to paint and a fair price to pay.
There will be a lull for a couple of weeks after this post as I jet [hopefully] to Texas to enjoy the delights of Austin. I dont expect to visit any historical sites, unless they involve music, decent beer and the like. So if there are any Texan wargamers who also like to enjoy an eclectic mix of music, Ill be sat at the corner of various bars a typical Brit. You will recognise the type. I view this trip as part of my recovery from the Covid mess and I intend to sample the baser delights of life. Now that would be closer to normality for me.
My 6mm Napoleonic set up.

Austria 1809.
Austrian Hussars
Hinchliffe figures
Austrian Grenzer

Austrian Grenzer
Smoggycon 2013
Smoggycon 2013
Smoggycon 2012
Smoggycon 2012
Smoogycon 2009

My French getting another beating