Normally, it being New Years Eve, I would be on the drink as all true North Eastern heterosexual males should be at this time of year. Unfortunately I'm not, due to a touch of man bronchitis.
Funnily enough this is how I actually started this blog several years ago, when again I couldn't go drinking because my wife had proper flu. So in some ways, from misfortune comes a benefit. Anyway enough of the burbling and onto the post.
Displayed is a rather dashing Father Time, and time is one thing that is very precious to a wargamer.
I don't see any point in making resolutions, but my one hope/ intention is to find more time, not just to wargame, but to actually sort out my poor time management per se.
I am of an age where my family have grown up, so one would think that I would have more time for the hobby. Somehow 2013 didn't actually work out like that. Still I don't think I can complain too much, I have nearly finished my Renaissance Borgia army, ahead of schedule. I have moved on to painting up an equivalent French army to use up some of my metal mountain.
My existing Seven Years War project has just kept growing and is of a decent size.
The one big issue was the decrease in the number of actual games I fought. As John would no doubt remind me, the games I played in dropped alarmingly, so for 2014 I intend to re balance my gaming time. Not a resolution more an intention.
I was going through my unpainted SYW figures tonight, and realised that I have a whole regiment of Stadden Grenadiers that need some love and paint, couple this to a regiment of Willie Irish troops that also need some attention then I need to find some time to complete these units.
So that's time needed for more games, time for some painting of some lovely figures and time that I need to devote to my long suffering wife who has put up with a lot this last year. Already my time looks to be under pressure. Not forgetting that I actually hold down a full time job, I think I am already stretching things a tad. But as I said the most important thing is finding the time to do everything you want.
As its the last day of 2013, I thought I would do my view of the world of wargaming in 2013;
Well there seemed to be some exciting developments in the world of 28mm wargaming, with several enthusiasts putting their money where there mouth is and creating their own range of figures, ie Cran Tara and the wonderful AWI range from Alt Fritz.
My only real concern with this worthy ideal is the fact that all the ranges seem be sculptured by the same man, Richard Ansell, who is a very busy chap and must be under a lot of pressure.
Still he creates very fine figures so hopefully that will continue.
The increase in plastic figures also grew apace, especially in 15mm with the excellent Plastic Soldier and Zveda ranges. Both great for tankies the world over.
I'm not certain that plastic will continue to grow in the 28mm scale. The reason why I have this contentious view is the need to actually take the time [ that concept again] to actually stick the buggers together and the fact that no matter how well you paint them, it seems a lot of wargamers don't hold them in the same esteem as their metal counterparts. Personally I think its a great way to build up an army fairly cheaply.
I have a lot of 6mm armies that I have built up over a fair period of time, and I have noticed as I have attempted to rationalise my collections this year, is that they sell really well, and basically wargamers are very keen to own them. Now I am probably jumping to wild conclusions, but I think a lot of wargamers recognise that they can never own that 20 foot wargames table, and could never afford the armies of Bill Gaskin, and have accordingly opted for the smaller scales ie, 6mm, 10mm and 15mm.
So lets see more articles, photographs of these scales in the magazines in 2014.
On the wargames show front, my favourite show had to be York. This is definitely a show on the up, perhaps because it one of the first of the new campaigning year, or more because there seems to be a real buzz about the event, with lots of wargamers meeting up after the winter.
My favourite product of the year was the Army Painter range of paints,especially their white which covers really well and leaves a smooth finish.
My favourite range of figures for 2013 was the Pro Gloria landsknects, not cheap but beautiful figures to paint.
This is starting to read like some cheap list of Oscar predictions however, my favourite wargames company of 2013 was Ian Hind of Ian Hinds figures, purely for the fact that he cut the price of his Hinchliffe ranges and has very good mail order, so well done.
Finally after some lengthy deliberation I have been scrabbling around trying to decide what period I should embark into next. Here is a clue.......... All answers in my comments box.
So on that note, I would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year, and remember life is not a dress rehearsal so grab the time while you can................

The Independent Wargames Group. Being a Journal of views, prejudices, ideas and photographs of wargaming not just nationwide, but hopefully world wide. The name IWG was adopted in the early 1980's in response to the then dominant Wargames Research Group, but things have moved on, and wargaming appears to be in somewhat of a Golden Age, so sit back and hopefully enjoy my rantings.
Tuesday, 31 December 2013
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My 6mm Napoleonic set up.

Austria 1809.
Austrian Hussars
Hinchliffe figures
Austrian Grenzer

Austrian Grenzer
Smoggycon 2013
Smoggycon 2013
Smoggycon 2012
Smoggycon 2012
Smoogycon 2009

My French getting another beating
Harking ack to your earlier post, is it General Suboylov's campaigns in Northern Italy during the French Revolutionary wars?
ReplyDeleteHappy New Year Rob!
Cheeky bugger,
DeleteYou know very well that the picture is of Susan Boyle in her alternative dress mode.
Happy New Year, Robbie.
Great Northern War maybe? Late 17C and early 18C?
DeleteRobbie- I'm thinking of packing in games altogether as I simply can't find the time to set 'em up I think I Played/Umpired about 6 for the whole of last year- certainly less than 10 - including the Demo at Durham.(So I might manage 1 in 2014 if I'm asked back)
ReplyDeleteI might have plans to ressurrect my Medievals and do more moderns as well as completly junking the 7YW (really sick of those silly hats) in 28/30mm .
I'm also tempted to start thinking about a big clearout simply because I have stuff that has been in its boxes un used for 3 or 4 years.
Ah well we'll see.
Happy New Year.
Now thats interesting Andy, although I dont think I can afford to buy up your SYW armies, although I could possibly snap up your Royal Scots if I apply to Wonga for a loan. So if you are going to scrap your magazines and get rid of your figure collection I could perhaps get myself invited to help you dispose of the lot.
DeleteHappy New Year, Robbie.
Robbie the 7yw armes have already gone- well almost I have a buyer and the deal just needs to be physically done.
DeleteI'm keeping the AWI( the hats aren't quite as silly) but I have 400 Napoleonics- not mine- that nedd selling - see the posts on my blog and various other ex-display units that are just cluttering up the place.
I lose the will to live farting about with ebay so once I get the time the Poles and some others will go up on my blog.