Thursday 3 November 2022

Some of this and a little of that.

It seems I complete painting my units a bit like buses and that is probably due to me not painting as regularly as I used to, God knows why. 
At the weekend I attended Fiasco in Leeds and enjoyed the experience, not because of the games, but for the retail experience. I attended with the intention of buying some Colour Party paint and ended up with all sorts including the box below. 
Do I need to make a load of medieval civilians, probably not, but the figures just looked too tempting to resist. Anyway, there are various military figures included in the box, so I had to have them. Luckily Dave Thomas kindly discounted the box a little, so effectively I was saving money.   
The actual show was good although the lighting never helps. I really feel sorry for all gamers and traders as the lighting is notoriously bad. But the venue is first rate, with good parking and of course the museum nearby. I didnt bother attempting to take any photographs simply due to the lighting.
 As a show, the club always attempt to invite trade that one doesnt normally see. You always seem to get some decent bargains and one always gets a friendly welcome. My favourite game The Yarkshire Wargamer's Italian Wars, great eye candy.

 My Lion Rampant army? is growing exponentially, and its simply because the rules are excellent and Im enjoying painting my units.These are my latest cavalry.  

I cannot help buying badly painted old figures. Sometimes they're cheap, most times they are not. I managed to buy quite a few very old Garrison Immortal infantry, when I mean old these figures must hark back to the 1970's. They are small, made of pliable metal and look out of place next to my Victrix Persians, but I really enjoyed repainting them. Bright, brash and probably non historical. Perfect really. 

I also picked up a load of light archer cavalry. Mini fig riders on Hinchliffe ancient horses. I bought them because the horses had been painted very well, using the old oils system. Once touched up and based they have added a great generic unit.

More golden oldies. This time Hinton Hunt 30mm medievals. The standard bearer was originally an artilleryman. Now they are one of my leader options for Lion Rampant.

And just to prove Im not a total dinosaur, my latest archer unit, utilizing Footsore miniatures with one Claymore casting. As one can see, there are a few Robin Hood figures in the unit, hence the Hollywood style green outfits. Well thats my excuse anyway. I must admit theyre not cheap, is anything? but very good to paint. So a productive period and I still have one more show to attend. So get yourself along to Stockton at the end of the month, a great way to end the year.



  1. Lots of nice stuff there, although I am less if a fan of old style figures than lot of people seem to be....I feel I am probably in the minority, certainly amongst bloggers! Thanks for the tip on the Medieaval civilians, I probably woukd have bought them too, and I am off to Google the manufacturer and see what else they have (and the price 😀)

    1. Being off a certain age, I keep returning to the beginning. Its probably a nostalgia thing, it just makes me happy.

  2. You certainly are a fan of retro gaming figures Robbie. You've added colourful elements to your collection that way, but it's good to see you embracing newer offerings too.

    1. Always willing to learn David even though most new ideas are old ones dressed up.

  3. Robbie glad you had a good time at Leeds, I will be going to Stockton so hopefully catch up for a chat. Those Garrison Immortals - excellent. I had 3 units of them in my very first Persian army those many years ago. They still look great one of may favourite figures. Have to admit I haven’t succumbed to Lion rampant but it’s tempting.

    1. Great to hear from you Graham and yes it will be great to catch up.

  4. Just back from America and catching up on the blogs I bookmark for reading. And jealous doesn't cover it! I am, of course, referring to the Immortals. A good buy if ever there was one. Lucky man.


My 6mm Napoleonic set up.

My 6mm Napoleonic set up.
Austria 1809.

Austrian Hussars

Austrian Hussars
Hinchliffe figures

Austrian Grenzer

Austrian Grenzer
Austrian Grenzer

Smoggycon 2013

Smoggycon 2013
Smoggycon 2013

Smoggycon 2012

Smoggycon 2012
Smoggycon 2012

Smoogycon 2009

Smoogycon 2009
My French getting another beating