I think its fair to say that most wargamers can be pretty anal.
God knows my wife thinks I am.One the many pleasures that wargaming affords me,is the ability to go to bed early and,tuck in, and proceed to read my collection of wargames magazines.I am currently working my way through the excellent MWAN,as edited by Hal Thinglum.
Hal handed the magazine on to other people over a year ago,and I think it became defunct. When Hal had control it was a great mix of rule ideas and general chit chat.The big thing was enthusiasm,which is important in any thriving hobby,and for some strange reason I always feel American wargamers are filled with it.We British seem to have adopted a more laid back approach,this is my own opinion,so I am happy to be convinced otherwise.
I unfortunately dont have a complete collection [just about 80 or so] which does drive me a bit nuts,as I am a completeist [read saddo]
Which then got me thinking to the best wargames magazines I have read/owned.
Here is my list,starting at my least favourite;
10] Slingshot [but only the early years,as I love to read the debates/arguements over the rules and of course the Rhomphia scandal]
9] The Arquebusier [ again the early years,especially the Andrew Murdin articles on the Italian wars,great to use in a refight ]
8] Military Modelling,especially the Battle supplement years.
AdditionallyCharles Grants Napoleonic wargame rules were excellent,especially when illustrated by the Gilder Waterloo terrain
7] Wargames Newsletter,you could always rely on Donald Featherstone to write an angry editorial,which I found thought provoking.
6] Wargames illustrated,again the DM years,until the last few issues,when I felt Duncan had lost interest.Great photographs,little of substance.
5] Miniature Wargames[again the early DM. years,the photographs of Peter Gilder's figures and my personal favourite,Doug Mason were really inspiring.Remember the Zastrow Cuirassiers.
4] Wargames,Soldiers and Strategy,a good informative magazine.
3] MWAN,as for the reasons stated earlier, Hal and his readership were really keen wargamers.
2]Practical Wargamer,which surprised me initially until I thought about the great cross section of articles edited by Stuart Asquith,who should be applauded for his efforts.
## 1] The Battle magazine which I am pleased to say I have a full collection of.
The Battle was a good cross section of information and ideas,I loved the Charles Grant series on Napoleonic personalities, and the visit to the SELWG with the 'famous' photograph of Bill Brewer holding up a wonderfully painted Polish Lancer,a great figure painter.
Anyway this is my first list.Discuss..................